Body Worlds 2 Specimen Stolen: Please Help

The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating the weekend theft of a plastinated specimen. The 13-week-old fetus, acquired from an old anatomical collection, was taken from Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS 2:The Anatomical Exhibition of Real Human Bodies at the California Science Center. link
I haven't been to see the Body Worlds exhibit in LA yet, but I've heard from folks who have that it's amazing. Well, now it's one fetus less amazing than it used to be, thanks to the crazy goth chicks that stole the plastinated infant from Gunther von Hagans' LA show. I understand that their biological clocks are probably ticking, but that's just wrong. Go buy a cabbage patch doll, ferchrissake. Or get a cat, like the rest of us.

If you haven't heard of the exhibit before, check out the website. The pictures are mesmerizing, in a 'this is what I would look like without skin...riding a horse' kind of way.
via boingboing
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