We're not scaremongering
But thought you should know that the Japanese are planning to take over the world. Again.Keanu Reaves is our only hope. Admit it, you knew it was going to come to this eventually, didn't you? We certainly don't keep him around for his acting ability, k? Sony patents the matrix

Once they have control of our brains via these "video games" and our hearts via "sushi" and "cute high school girls," they will swoop in and enforce total control with their robocops
I couldn't make this shit up if I tried, people.

President Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld recently met with the Prime Minister of Japan, Junichiro Koizumi, to discuss these developments and their possible implications for US national security. Koizumi quickly reassured the president that there was no way that the Japanese who have "such a small penises" could ever hope to conquer America, with their "such a large American penis."
Bush and Rumsfeld quickly saw the logic inherent in Koizumi's argument, and assured the American people that there was absolutely nothing to worry about.
Do you know how many nuts I would give to see a fight between Miho and Gogo?
All of Greg's. Definitely at least that many.
Ninja chicks are SO hot.
Good call. I would have to put my money (and Greg's nuts) on Miho, cause you don't even see her coming. She just drops down out of nowhere and you're shishkebob. I wanna be a ninja when I grow up. Or at least a Japanese girl.
"The patent has few details, describing only a device that would fire pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify the firing patterns of neurons in targeted parts of the brain."
Dude, my SoniCare toothbrush is a mind control device? That must explain my kinky attraction to Hello Kitty.
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