Tax Breaks

I can't tell one from another
Did I find you, or you find me?
There was a time Before we were born
If someone asks, this is where I'll be
(The Talking Heads, Naive Melody)
This week marks a pretty big milestone for me, so you'll have to forgive me if I go all squishy for a moment.
The Brass Tax crew has been a very significant part of my life for several years now, since I first met these guys back in the spring of 2001. I had only had a brief introduction to the electronic music scene at that time, so it was amazing to me to see these folks who enjoyed their music and being with their friends so much that it was completely infectious. With these guys on the decks and the extended crew of degenerates they called friends holding down the dancefloor, you couldn't help but rock the fuck out with a huge goofy ass grin on your face .
I was home. The words 'renegade', 'burning man' and 'crackhead mafia' first entered my vocabulary at this time. It wasn't long before I knew that I had to learn how to do what they did. DK helped me buy my first set of turntables and mixer. Mike, Fred and Dave all patiently explained the ins and outs of beat matching, as frustrating as that must have been for them most of the time ("I'm not sure what you're listening to, Jess, but it's not the beat"). Greg and Stef came along soon after, and I was introduced to this music called "breakbeats". Oh damn. Thas some good shit.
Over the years these guys have become hands down some of the best DJs in the city. And the whole time they let me follow them around like an obnoxious kid sister tugging at their shirt sleeves. I've had opportunities as a DJ that I would never have had otherwise, and a crew of friends that couldn't be more my family if we shared the same blood.
This week these guys have given me a great honor- they've made me a Brass Tax resident DJ. It's official, and I'm psyched. I hope I can live up to the level of ass reaming that this crew has established. I'm sure gonna have fun trying. Put me in coach!
And it couldn't happen at a more appropriate time, what with Tax Day upon us. You got one tax man off your ass, now how about letting a whole bunch more jump on? Hope you can join us tomorrow night at 1015 for the what is possibly the sickest kid-in-a-freakin-candy-store lineup I have ever seen under one roof. Let's get down to...well, you know the rest.
In honor of my crew, here are a few of our favorite things:



...and ass
an oldie but a goodie. i remember when you read that for us for the first time at burning man. you were jumping around from couch to couch in your underwear while we were all drinking pink things. ah, good times...
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