Welcome to the What the Fuck University newsletter. Devoted to all things absurd that make you glad you're not in college anymore.

First off: What ever happened to "thank you sir, may I have another?"
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The University of California, Berkeley has suspended a fraternity whose members hazed a pledge by repeatedly firing a BB gun at him, the school said on Monday. link
What a wimp. In my day we used buckshot.

Next up: what to do when you and your sorority sisters want to get, like, totally wasted, but you hate the taste of alcohol? Vaporize it, baby. You'll be waking up in the "mattress room" with your panties around your ankles in no time. And you, like, totally won't be hungover.

The design team (pictured right) had this to say:
Drinks including vodka and whiskey can be inhaled into the mouth through a tube using a new device known as an Alcohol Without Liquid (AWOL)
Um, yeah. Ok. I think I'll stick to absorbing my alcohol in the traditional way- through an enema.
AWOL link via boingboing

Student profile of the week:
This marine horticulture major lives in Mushroom Dorm with his roommate Hashbrick. He enjoys... um...(blank stare)... wait, what were we talking about? Spongebong Hemppants
that one's for Ding Dong and Stefbot, duh. via (ima git some) Milk and Cookies
this should tide you over, kc.
"I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them."
Oh my god Stef. Must stop reading quotes. Can't stop reading quotes.
I am
sofa king
we todd ed
My ass has finally decided to eat my hand! It hungers for more!
Oh jesus.
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