Let's go shopping
Don't worry, it'll be fun. I promise that none of the products that appear here will make you look fat (except maybe the pork rinds- but I'm getting ahead of myself). And fellas, I'm not going to make you hold my purse while I try on bathing suits. But it's not very often that you find products that exhibit such creative genius that it makes you proud to live in a consumer society. This, my friends, is the cream of the crop:
First off, for my friends who have just recently entered the realm of parenthood, Pottymouth. Knowing that these clothes exist could almost make me look forward to "that blessed time." In the same vain as the super dope "Daddy drinks because I cry" T-shirt that was recently given to some friends during their baby shower, these Ts are for the toddler with attitude. And believe me, if there's two things my kids are gonna have plenty of, it's ass and attitude. Assitude? I should trademark that. Anyway, check em out. My personal favorites are "Quit talking to me like a retard" and "My daddy is a motherfucker." That's class, people.
And when my kids fall down and hurt themselves, as kids are prone to do cause they walk funny, we'll not be using those little pussy bandages featuring Donald Duck or Snow White and the seven freakin dwarves. Nuh uh. My little bundles of joy will be sporting bacon on their booboos. Damn, that's cool.

Mmmmm, all that talk of bacon has made me hungry. Should we stop for lunch? What do I feel like, hmmmmmm, oh I know! How bout some chocolate covered pork rinds? They're low in carbs, big on pig.
And finally, this is unrelated, but I'll be your BFF if you can figure out how to turn this into a ringtone for me.

Ohm'god we gotta get this. We gotta we gotta we gotta!!!
links via Josh Rubin, J-Walk and Boingboing
doooood. those bacon band-aids are a must-have. i'm gonna get some and start wearing them even when i'm not hurt. bad ass!
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