You in my hut now
Many of you know that we are searching for a new housemate, and that our search is not exactly going well. If there's anything harder than dating in San Francisco, it's finding someone with whom you'd be willing to share the one little patch of place that you can call your own. I've come up with a few rules specific to this particular SF minefield. The following need not apply (All of these are taken straight from Craigslist, BTW. Cause once again, I couldn't make this shit up if I tried):1- You call yourself a single 'womyn' (Wash the sand out of your vagina and spell the word right. Then we'll talk)
2- Your posting in housing wanted is titled "it will werk out it always donse." Actually, I was tempted to call this guy just to find out if he could really be that dense. And it wasn't just the heading that was spelled horribly- the whole thing was practically illegible.

3- You list your interests as "420" and "you know, hangin out". Get a job, hippy.
Last time I had to do this I lucked out. I love my current housemate, and I'm not just saying that because I know she reads this blog (holla back J!). She loves drinking red wine and watching bad reality TV (don't judge). She has a bad ass boy cat that is now Sadie "the stink that don't blink" Mae's BFF. And she tells me that my bacon and beer tummy is "cute." What's not to love?
So what are we looking for? Well, our ideal roommate would probably possess at least some of the following characteristics:
1- a pastry chef/ brew master who is not really around much because he/she is staying over at his/her boyfriend/girlfriend/lover/life partner's house, but who stops by occasionally to bake cakes and pies/ brew us up some award winning lager.

2- Doesn't mind sharing a toilet with a cat or two cause we are so totally doing that. Can we get a courtesy flush?
3- secretly likes being woken up occasionally at 3 am to the sound of pounding house beats

4- Is a ninja. You know, cause they're quiet. You hardly ever know they're around.
I felt a little better, though, when I saw some of the stories currently in the news. It could be worse. Way worse. Like having a roommate who declares Jihad on you for contaminating his yogurt. JIHAAAAAAD!!!
What can I say? We are the perfect Jess's. And you know, it's funny. I actually know a pastry chef/ brew master but I'm working on him being my b/f and don't want him to move in w/ me just yet. *sigh* ;)
You minx.
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