My new latex fetish

I was never one of those kids who was way into superheroes. Superman, Spiderman, even Wonderwoman were all just a little too preachy for my taste, even as a child. (ok, that’s not entirely true, show me a girl of this generation who didn’t want to be Linda Carter at one point or another, and I’ll show you a girl who didn’t have a television). But then I discovered the Batman: Tales of the Dark Knight series. These cartoons kicked ass, in every sense. From style to content, this was not your average afternoon animation. It was dark, serious, wicked. I would come home every day from school and plop myself down in front of the tube with a box of fruit loops and get lost in the underworld of Gotham. Awesome.

But when the first movie came along I was not impressed. Sure Nicholson was great, but come.on. Michael Keaton as Batman? Really? This guy? Mr. Mom? The guy has no chin. How you gonna have a Batman who has no chin? Plus, no way was MK tortured enough to pull off Bruce Wayne or Batman. Oh, I’m kinda bummed that my folks got murdered, but wouldn’t it be a kick to dress up like a bat and beat people up? And I won’t even go into those other movies. Mostly because I don’t remember them. I quickly lost interest in the whole story.
So a huge thanks to Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale for saving the series. They've managed to put the "dark" back in the dark knight. This film combines some of the best elements from 2 of my favorite genres, horror and kung fu, but it’s also funny and dramatic in all the right places. Everyone in the cast does a good job. Even Katie Holmes manages to not be as annoying as I expected (although I did keep expecting to see Tom Cruise jumping up and down in the frame behind her).

Christian Bale is the perfect actor to play Batman. He can pull off sincere and heroic and then turn around in the next instant be completely convincing as a shallow and privileged asshole, Bruce Wayne’s chosen persona for this take on the character (Patrick Bateman stiz). This film really comes through for showing how Batman may wear the rubber suit, but the real mask is the one that Bruce Wayne wears when he’s pretending to be a billionaire playboy, and Bale’s chiseled features couldn’t be more appropriate for these moments. And seriously girls, hot. He even looks good in a Mongolian prison.
I'm not saying the movie is perfect, but it's flaws are forgiveable in light of the fact that you're just having so much damn fun watching it. And of course it’s got cool gadgets and creepy villains (Cillian Murphy from 28 Days does a really good Scarecrow), which is key.
And even though the message is a little heavy handed at times, it still manages to come through as being sincere. This movie, like Helen Hunt for Jack Nicholson, makes me want to be a better person. Of course, it also makes me want to have sex with a bat, but hell, I’m not gonna do that either.
Speaking of which, here’s some artwork by a guy who’s maybe a little “too” into Batman (NSFW). And it kind of confirms that sidekick theory that’s floating around. Thanks, Colin.
In any case, go see it and form your own opinion. Let me know what you think.
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