Throw the blog a bone
Hello again. Been super busy lately, so not a lot of time for posting. And you know, I'd rather not post anything than post some lame shit about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt or something. Oh. Whoops.Moving the reason I've been so busy is cause there's so much great stuff to do in this city, but unfortunately almost all of it involves drinking. The Haight Street Fair was awesome, as far as I remember. One of the hottest days in SF in recent memory, great beats (pass the dutchie one more time, Freddie!), cooperative police (big ups SFPD- but that "temporary" tatoo you guys gave me still won't wash off. My cover is so blown next time I wear a tank top), and tons of happy people. Here's the pics that Prince Pablo took with his sooper dooper mega-lo camera.

Plus I started my stint as sometime record wench at BPM this week. Made for a 13 hour workday for me yesterday, but you can't really count hanging out in a record store as hard work, so it was cool. Highlight of the evening was when I was sitting there by myself playing records and about 10 grade school kids on their way home from school heard the beats and flocked into the store for an impromptu dance party. Future DJs of America. Get em hooked early and they'll never let go. Victor should really give me a kick back for that one.
There is nothing but nothing going on right now online, but here are some links to keep you from applying yourself at work. Wouldn't want that to happen.
Mike the headless chicken gets his own documentary.
Oh fer cryin out loud.
This guy breathes life into your average children's drawings. Very very cool stuff. (via boingboing)
Vote for DJ Pedro. link courtesy of Doc Ott.

Finally, does a squirrel shit in the woods? It does this weekend. We're planting the Brass Tax flag on the red white and blue beach in Santa Cruz. Trust me, this one's gonna be good. The visuals alone are worth the trip down there. And we've got some special stuff planned musically to give you a break from those driving beats (not that there won't be the fair share of that as well). Here's the details.
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