i heart the lovemakers (and tequila)
The Lovemakers show last night kicked ass, although Nastily and I totally missed half of it cause when we went outside to smoke we ran into a certain lover of rave, (or is that lover ave?) who happened by on his way home and kidnapped us to go, um, meet his cat. His cat's name is Datura. She's cute. No, really, that's not code, his cat's name is Datura.
Anyhows, we caught the tail end of the show, and these guys really impressed me. And yes, they do make out on stage. A lot. That's their thing, apparently. Kinky. And I found out that Cabo Wabo tequila is good stuff. I drank a bunch of it last night, and I'm not hungover at all today. And I'm not just saying that because they picked up our bartab. (PS- thanks, Sammy!)
So, not a lot worth blogging today (as if that's ever stopped me before) but if you're still looking for stuff to do in the next few days, these things look pretty cool:
The House of Lotus Speakeasy:
Calling all dangerous dames, zoot-suited macks and back alley types,
House of Lotus is about to break the law again with our special Burning
Man 2005 fundraiser - at the Bayview Winery, the site of a genuine
1920’s speakeasy in San Francisco. Check da flyer
The Paradox Lounge Party

the tenderloft - 142 taylor (next to original joes)
cash bar - no atm on premises, pls bring cash
djs from your favorite burning man-affiliated camps battle it out to see who really can still dj while cracked out - tung, fred funk, 8ball, kapt kirk, mancub, murphstar
(get it? pair a' ducks? Hahahahahahaaaa- there's still life in me yet.)

It's time for the 5th annual Haight Street Fair! Ok, ok, so the fair's been going on a lot longer than 5 years, 28 years to be exact, but this will be the 5th straight year that the Brass Tax are bringin the boom back to the heart of the fair, Haight and Ashbury- proper renegade style
So break out your peasant skirts and bell bottoms and come help us remind those hippies that we're all rockers at heart. Or remind the rockers that we're all hippies at heart. Whatever, just bring it!
We'll be feeling the love this Sunday from noon until the last aura is
cleansed. (on Ashbury btw Haight and Waller).
Guiding you on your spiritual journey will be Tung, Fred Funk,
Sound:boy, Jess and Loosebeats, with guest: [e]

This Monday, June 13th is the ZEITGEIST 2005 INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. Oh yes, that deserves capslock, you betcher ass it does. Admission is $5, movies will be projected on the wall over the patio using Zeitgeist's patented Beer-O-Scope(tm) technology, and starts at 9pm. Smoking and drinking is encouraged. They're showing films (they're all shorts) from Germany, Australia and the U.K. as well as a local SF production called "Purple Glob" that sounds pretty freaking cool. link (props to Jeffro for the info)
So I hope to see you out and about very soon. That is if I'm not blackballed from the SF party scene on account of my last post. If so, I'll just put on a cowboy hat and go undercover.
Actually it's "Lo Vera Ve", which loosely translates to "Be all you can Be".
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