MIA custom Reeboks
"He's got Colgate on his teeth and Reebok Classics on his feet"-- MIA, Sunshowers
That's right. She's customized 10 pairs of Reeboks. Is there any pie this girl doesn't have her fingers in? (cue Stefanie... wait for it, wait for it...)
Josh Rubin's giving away a pair over at Cool Hunting. Go get em.
Oh, and by the way, I found out yesterday that Diplo is not, I repeat NOT dating MIA. She has a boyfriend, but it's not him. Call me, D. Seriously.
This has nothing to do with MIA, but for some reason it came up when I typed her name in google image search and c'mon, you know I had to post it. Kinda reminds me of Stinky May and her big hunka man, Harley.

Those boks are hideous. So glad the 80's are back. I can start DJing out again. WooooWooooooooooo.
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