Powers. I have 'em!

So, I can barely lift my hands to type today cause I learned how to rock climb yesterday. I know what you're thinking, how in the hell did you hold onto a Budweiser and climb a rock face at the same time? Well, folks, because I am that good. In fact, here is a pic of me chillin near my first summit. Ok, ok, so that's bullshit, but I can tell you that although most of the climbers were much better at the monkey crawl than I was, there was one 3 year old at that gym who had his little ass handed to him by one Jess S. That's right little man, FACE! Uh huh.

And after I purchase this kung fu training video game, and learn how to harness chi for flying palm of buddha, my plan for global domination will be that much closer to seeing the glorious light of day. Go ahead. Fear me. (via boingboing)
Ok, enough about my ass kicking fineness, Sydney Bristow stiz. Here's your daily link dump so that I can go back to soaking in a hot bath and wishing for sweet sweet oblivion to come and take the pain away (or maybe I could just take some Advil. Whatever):
Boy who doesn't care that you're a DJ now has a whole blog devoted to not caring that you're a DJ. Cause he doesn't care. And that's how much. Yeah, really. Take that Mr. Big Time Prom DJ who stole his date to the senior year Beneath the Palms Ball and forced him to end his night at Circle K crying in his Big Gulp.
Idoru. And further evidence that Japanese men are ronry, so ronry.
I'll bet this guy would pass Jay Kim's kimche test.
And I thought bacon wrapped hot dogs were the best idea ever. One up. Big time. (those of you who don't know me should rest assured that I do not endorce the consumption of heroin wrapped in cocaine. Or heroin wrapped in crystal meth. Although heroine wrapped in a block of hash could be one hell of a party, off the record.) (Also via boingboing)
how quickly we forget the deliciousness of grilled bacon-wrapped bananas.
I shall never forget.
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