Take the meatbridge. It's right here.

First things first: for the love of all that is good and holy, download this Saul Williams mix. 2 words: track four. (via Catchdubs. Thanks, guy!)
Ok, now that you're sorted on tunes, let's turn our attention to the news round up. Cause you know how reading the news sometimes makes you wish you lived on another planet? Well, not today. Today it's just plain flat out fuggin funny:
Putin ganks the precious.
Why does this story remind me of a certain flight to London circa 2002? Also worth reading because you gotta love any standard of journalism that allows "do up" to be used as a verb.
Pee-ping Tom. Yeah, well, even though it's clearly a lob sometimes you have to take the shot just cause it's there.
See ya'll at Minna. I'm ready to get my drink on, hump day style.
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