Monday, July 11, 2005

If You've Got the Money, I and I Got the Time

Breaking news from Graffiti the Ghost's Bureau of Willie Nelson Affairs: Willie is releasing a reggae album tomorrow, complete with pot leaf cover art. While initial reviews have indicated that it's not the greatest album ever, it's still notable in that it features a reggae song written by Johnny and June Carter Cash, which Willie sings as a duet with Toots of Toots & the Maytals. Wha...? I read about it in this article, which aside from covering the new album, is also a pretty interesting little article about Willie in general, from his political views to his tour with Bob Dylan.

Not that any of us will be surprised by this, but Wal-Mart wins the "Retard-Retard-Retard-Retard" Award (TM) for replacing the pot leaf on the album cover with a palm tree.'s Willie Nelson, not Miami Sound Machine.


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