Back from the dead
Yeah, you're not getting rid of me that easily. It's true that I was taken down by a very ugly bug, but only because my immunity was weakened by that goddamned three day weekend. Three day weekends were invented by the devil to lead the righteous into temptation. And that was some righteous temptation, let me tell you.I won't go into gory detail, but you can see pics of the Sunday portion of it on the Wildlife website. A disclaimer: it is pure coincidence that the picture of a bag of empty whippits is right next to a pic of Amy and me giggling. At least I'm pretty sure it wouldn't hold up as evidence in a court of law.

Oh, and I met a new man! That's right. A younger man. His name's Otis. Isn't he dreamy? He can take down a sapling using just his teeth. That's cool.
Moving on, nice to see that Stefbot caught you up on some of the top news stories of the week. Here are some more tidbits of info that you have no business walking around not knowing:

I and I be Willie! That's right, the redheaded stranger is trying his hand at Reggae:
That Nelson's country songs stand up so well to reggae's offbeat syncopation and upstroke guitar strums is a testament to their durability. Nelson said he recorded them about 10 years ago in Los Angeles with Jamaican musicians, including some from the late reggae star Peter Tosh's band.
"The musicians told me that reggae was invented really by listening to country music coming from the United States. They put their own rhythms to those tunes," he said.
Can't wait to hear it. If anyone has heard it already, please post your thoughts on it in the comments.

Now, I don't make it a habit to post celeb gossip items on this blog. That's why god made Defamer (thanks, God!). But this one falls squarely in the category of seriously freaking me out, so I had to pass it on. Katie, your strings are showing big time, girl.
Also, skateboarder survives jump over the Great Wall. Sheep not so lucky. Wow, if this whole animal suicide trend continues, we may have to learn how to manufacture meat in a lab. Oh, alright then. Well done! (Via Boingboing)
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