Lordy Lordy, GTG is... 3!

That's right! We survived the terrible 2s! But that's not all we have to celebrate this month. It's also Chip's 40th birthday. For those of you who don't know him, Chip is one of our oldest friends. Literally. Ha! I kid.

Chip is not only one of the coolest, most solid dudes you'll ever meet- he's also been a huge supporter of this blog, checking it daily even when we douchbags haven't posted in a couple months or more. In honor of Chip's big day, we've all committed to hitting 40 posts in the month of March. Of course I make no promises that they'll be quality posts, but hell, does anyone ever really expect that of us in the first place? Didn't think so.
Let the games begin. Happy birthday, Chip!
(thanks to Stefbot for dredging up the GTG baby pic out of the vaults. Cute little bugger, isn't he? Oh, and Amy, hope you don't mind my shamelessly lifting Chip's pic from you.)
I <3 Chip!
Hell yeah you can use that picture! It's the best!
I <3 GTG (and Jeffro)!
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