Im in ur blog, updatin ur links

Lest this blog degenerate into a cuddle fest of cuteness, I felt an obligation to let you know that Retarded Kitten Funsies has been updated. (Thanks to Jeff for the heads up.)
Plus, a couple of new additions to the friends and family list:
Transnational Blueblood: The brainchild of Pete the Evil New Yorker who, armed only with an expense account, caused G-Train and myself to get completely schnockered and alientate and insult almost every innocent person who had the misfortune of encountering us one recent Sunday. Thanks for the surf and turf, Pete. Can't wait till you terrorize our fair coast once again.
And for those of you who can never get enough Ding Dongery:, where among other things you can download all the sets that Donger has recorded recently (including yours truly's from the Halloween BTx Renegade). Fun Fact: did you know that in addition to sleeping with Stefbot, terrorizing San Franciscans with his evil bullhorn and occasionally providing Angels of bAss tech support, Ding Dong is also a DJ in the much maligned Popular Breaks genre? Let's chat.
hahahhaaaa! that popular breaks link is awesome. you know why popular breaks are going to fall out of favor? because they focus on the income tax as a bass. i could'a told you income tax would make for crappy bass.
i'm in ur subwoofer, stealin ur bass.
True that, 'bot. But do you really want it to be replaced with a "consumption" tax? Consumption is one of our favorite things on earth. Think of the implications!
Would an evil new yorker put a link on his own blog directng other evil new yorkers to this blog? I think so. Enjoy the new steady stream of surly, pale, brooklynites visiting to your blog. All four of them.
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