A cracker by any other name
Get this: I'm riding my bike home from BART yesterday evening, and there's three little girls playing in their yard on the street I ride down every day. I've seen them before, sometimes they like to race my bike in the summertime. One of them, about four years old, is off by herself, basically sitting in the dirt, and when I ride by, she looks up and smiles and says, "hi whitey!"

I just had to laugh (actually I snorted), cuz it was so unexpected and audacious for such a little girl. But I have to admit that I also thought it was a little fucked up too. It's just kind of sad to see a kid that young already drawing racial lines. I'm sure she was just mimicking something she heard, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be aware of what it means, right? Maybe I'll just say "hi brownie!" next time I see her, and let her ruminate on that for a while.
Somewhat on the topic of racial stereotyping, here's a game called
Bin Laden Liquors that Zaxxon sent me this morning. Turns out that pretending to shoot Bin Laden is a pretty good way to blow off some steam, and when you get a little thirsty, well, just watch what happens after you blow through half a round on your 9mm.

Also kinda sorta on the topic of racial stereotyping, here's a movie that is making a concerted effort
not to stereotype or otherwise belittle Mexican culture:
Nacho Libre. Currently in post-production, it's a flick about Mexican wrestling, aka
lucha libre, starring none other than Jack Black and directed by
Jared Hess of Napoleon Dynamite fame. Even though the movie isn't finished yet, I'm gonna go ahead and declare it to be...
AWESOME! (Thanks to Dr. Otto for the heads up on Nacho Libre).
Stefbot is white?
'cept for her ass, of course, which is black as richard pryor.
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