Need to know
Not much time for posting today- gotta motor to Kabuki to get a bachelorette soak on with the ultra-fine Megs and Nastily (steam & salt scrub? Don't mind if I do!), but there are some things in teh news and elsewhere that are worthy of note today. (the teh was in honor of Colin, who I miss already, and who reminded me this morning to GTG or STFU. I do this for you, Sound:boy.)
Adidas buys Reebok for $3.8 bill. Unfortunately, after the purchase Adidas was promptly jumped by 4 large "urban youths," who made off with both the sneakers and the company's lunch money.
(My apologies to those read this post in the hopes that it might involve some Greg- baiting. I promise to make up for it in the near future.)
Also, Fox buys My Space, hipsters freak out. Of course by the time the deal was signed the hipsters were already "like, so totally over it," and declined to take any noticable action in protest such as, say, closing their My Space accounts.
And because I am a huuuuuge fan of the segue (if only because it's spelled so differently than how it's pronounced), check out Me_otch's My Space page. He's a super cool urban artist from Brooklyn who I discovered through Wooster Collective: A Celebration of Street Art, a site that everyone should have bookmarked and check out from time to time. WC also clued me in on the existence of the Hotel des Arts right here in SF's French Quarter that might be worth a look-see. Of course, my first reaction was, "we have a French Quarter?"
Oh, and before I forget, GUERILLASOUL have completed their remix of Hellifino's track "branch lampin." Give it a listen on their website. Nice one, guys!
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