A moment of silence, please.

Ok, so it's taken me a week to get around to this, but RIP Michael Vaughn. And screw you, Bennifer Affleck-- not only did you have him killed off just because your boyfriend didn't like you working with your ex, you had him riddled with machine gun bullets and then couldn't even work up some tears at his death bed or at his funeral. That's cold, Jen. Cold. I mean, I'm not a fanatic or anything, but the thought of watching a bloated Sydney Bristow trot around in flats all season, sans Vartan, just doesn't really appeal. Alias is dead to me. Time to heal and move on.
Some new contenders for my TV love this season:

Prison Break
Hot guys behind bars. Well, only one hot guy, really, but he's extremely hot, so that makes up for it. Granted, his romantic interest is a 300 pound guy named Candy*, but still. Hot.

Kitchen Confidential
The triple threat of hotness:
Bradley Cooper- the hottie whose hotness was never fully realized because he was living under the shadow of Michael Vartan on Alias for so long. Spread your wings and fly, B.
British fuck-all hottie (Owain Yeoman) - This is the guys that my girlfriends and I are looking for when we go out on the town on clean sheet night. In case you were wondering.
Asian hottie (John Cho) - Ok, so Cho is not particularly hot, especially in this cast of heavyweights but after Harold and Kumar I kinda have a soft spot for him. Update: Since the original draft of this post, Cho has disappeared from the show. Not sure what happened here, but the Asian nation should rally to bring him back. There are already very few Asians on primetime, in fact I can't think of one. Bullshit, really.

Add to that Entourage, which I have to watch on DVD because my free cable doesn't come with HBO. Entourage is my replacement for Sex and the City, now that SATC is RIP. It's basically the same thing- people with a lot more money than me living a glamorous lifestyle that I could never hope to attain. Just replace the rubber dildos with a Jewish dildo (Jeremy Piven), and there you are.
So there you go. See, Alias, I never really needed you anyway. Plenty of other fish in the sea.
* I kid about Candy, but he does have to do a fair amount of cock blocking, if you know what I mean.
You watch too much TV, kid.
Um, whatever little miss sit and watch 6 hours of Spongebob Squarepants in one sitting...
Besides, TV is good for you. It raised me, and look how good I turned out!
and the sad thing is, is that one out of the 3 shows you mentioned may be RIP. There are rumors that Fox may ax both KC and Arrested Development--rest of their season would appear on DVD with "lost episodes". John Cho may have feared this and bailed to go and finish the sequel to Harold and Kumar which in fact is a reality. Forget who told me this little tidbit but they said they were in Amsterdam wither now or recently putting the finishing touches on this masterpiece.
mab- I can't believe they would cancel Arrested Development. Isn't it one of their most popular shows? Doesn't it win tons of Emmy's, or whatever the hell it is that TV shows win? Charlize Theron was just on the show, ferchrissakes.
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