It's snowing in San Francisco!

It's just great that we can have things like this in our city, despite rich dicks trying to spoil the fun by waving their money around angrily. Everyone was having fun, ooh-ing and aah-ing and OHHH-ing when the riders bit it and wiped out (which was the majority of the riders we saw). People of all ages - from old Chinese dudes to little kids throwing snowballs at their moms, to Marina chicks and overly-tanned dudes with their dogs - all out having a great time, behaving themselves and being respectful of the fact that we're being blessed with a special SF treat. Then you look up at these huge, multi-million dollar homes with great views and it's like, what the hell were you people complaining about?

Anyhoo, if you can manage to get over there, the best views of the jumps are on vallejo, if you can get close enough. Or, walk down below the jump, like on fillmore between union & green, and watch from below. And if you can't get over there, you can watch it live here.
Wish they could have done it on a weekend day like originally planned, but am glad they let it happen. Maybe they can just let all the snow melt naturally in this heat and flood the Marina district.....
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