Blogga, please
So, I've been (rightfully) berated by some folks lately for the lack of posting. Between a downed DSL line at home (finally put right by hours of hard labor by Jeffro, my hero. FYI- he will do tech support for food.) and getting hammered like Jenna Jameson in a double feature here at work, I just haven't had the time. Wanted to remind everyone, though, that submissions are gratefully accepted here at GTG. I know some of you folks have a pretty good grasp of the English language, and others can make folks laugh their asses off even if you kant spel to gud. Drop me an email if you have something you'd like to post, or if you just have links to some good shit that you want to share with everyone.Oh, and props to KC for posting so much lately. You're a superstar, girl.
PS- Contrary to the opinions of some who think this is "a total girlie blog" (you know who you are) men are welcome and encouraged to post. We could use some testosterone here. It has been a bit of a taco party so far.
If I start writing for GTG will they start letting me into Osento? Cause I got a hot tip that the fountain of youth is in there.
Ponce de Leon
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