If you think that we're naughty, you're right- we are!
They will know you're a pirate when they hear you say ARRRRRRRR!!
So, my last weekend was spent on a pirate ship terrorizing Lake Shasta for the occasion of ringing in Stef's and my 30th birthdays. The ship was well equipped with everything a modern day pirate needs to get by- sound system, hot tub, waterslide, grill and bar. Rather than give you a blow by blow, I'll just break down the vital statistics for you:
Mateys: 9
Wenches: 5
Scurvy dogs: 1
Ships plundered: 2
Total booty acquired: 12 eggs, 3 budweisers
Total booties shaken: 14
Sunken treasure recovered: 1 beach ball
Lashings administered: 0 (WTF?)
Injuries resulting in peg legs: 3
Wenches plundered by other boats: 1
Wenches recovered: 1
DVDs Pirated: 5
Grog consumed (and by grog, we mean Budweiser, rum, and Patron): too much to count
Decks swabbed: 0! (you bunch of drunken slobs)
As you can see, the voyage was successful. We proved that the older you get, the more advanced your pirating skills. Just wait until we turn 40!
(Ship shown is not actual size, and names have been omitted to protect the innocent, er, I mean the less guilty.)
The deck was swabbed on Sunday afternoon. Right after that dead frog magically came to life and jumped into Sir Chadwick's cocktail, remember?
Oh, that's right. I swabbed it meself. Still pretty pissed off about the lack of lashings, tho. I know you for one are owed 30 or so, old lady.
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