Where my ladies at?

Well, one of them is in Hawaii studying hot rocks with even hotter guys. And she just sent me the link to her blog. If you want to find out what happens when beauty and brains combine in the body of a crackwench from the dirty south, check it out.
My parents asked me yesterday what I wanted most in the world for my 30th birthday. I immediately said, a pony. They responded, "yeah, that's how we ended up living on a horse farm, you slag. No more ponies." So my second wish was for an Ipod Nano. I've never owned an Ipod before, and I realized when I saw the new one that I had just been waiting for it to get a bit cuter first. So I went to get my ill Nano yesterday, the 4G one that holds 1,000 songs (or 6 Phish jams), and the Apple Store is sold out of them. Every time they get a shipment they are sold out within a few hours. Wait, isn't this the Apple Store? You guys have one mission in life, to sell Apple products. Order more.
Oh well, at least Otto had sent me this article about the Moscow Cat Circus to make me smile (this wouldn't be a GTG joint if there weren't at least one cute cat reference). Is there anything Russian animals can't do when properly "motivated?" Really there is nothing in the article to indicate that the cats in the Moscow Cat Circus are mistreated. Unless you count that look of haunted desperation in their little green eyes. And perhaps this quote:

The elder Mr. Kuklachev bridled at the idea of rewarding cats with food. "A cat is not a dog," he said. "If a cat doesn't want to do something, he will not do it."
"And besides," he added, "they work much harder if you starve them."
And finally, although I know some of you are 'omigod so totally over MIA,' here's her cover of the Kaiser Chiefs' "Everyday I Love You Less and Less". (via catchdubs)
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